How Do People Use Cum Face Memes and Emojis? These GIFs are very popular and are especially fun if a man is an actor in the video.

There are also cumming on face GIFs online, which depict a male actor’s face looking like it has been covered in cum. This is why cum face reaction GIFs have become so popular. And the GIF also expresses the feeling of comfort. The best way to describe a cum face is to imagine what would happen if someone suddenly shot a stream of water at your face.

While a cum face might not sound that funny, once you see it you’ll be laughing uncontrollably. This can look pretty hilarious, especially when it happens in hardcore porn. This is usually caused by a shot that hits the actor’s mouth and faces at the same time.

A cum face is when a male actor’s face gets coated in a white substance during the climax of a porn scene.